Sunday, October 12, 2008

My First Birth Story

It all began in the spring of 2007 when I was a Nursing student at Bethel College of Nursing at UCCS taking the Maternal-Newborn Health Care class. My Instructor, a Certified Nurse Midwife for many years, mentioned during one of her lectures that HypnoBirthing® was the most effective method for natural childbirth that she had ever seen. Ironically enough, later that semester I became pregnant. I knew immediately that I wanted to find out more about this method and began my research. I found that a yoga instructor in town was also teaching HypnoBirthing® and so I bought the textbook and began reading. I became so excited with the information because it made so much sense physically and emotionally. I began to wonder "Wow, wouldn't it be cool if this really did work and I could have a natural AND comfortable birth". I took the classes later in my pregnancy and actually looked forward to the birth of our child. Below is my Birthing Story:

I had practiced and planned for months in preparation for our Baby's birth. Toward the end of my pregnancy we were faced with special circumstances that, after serious discussion with our Nurse Midwife, we decided required some medical help. We went home to gather our things and began to mentally prepare for becoming parents in the very near future. I also had to change my perspective on the birth I was anticipating and kept reciting one of the Birthing affirmations "I am prepared to meet whatever turn my Birthing takes". With our Birthing Preferences in hand we were admitted to the hospital the afternoon of January 17th to initiate labor. For me, this required the use of Pitocin, but otherwise none of our other preferences had to be changed. I began by sitting and rocking gently on a birthing ball. My Nurse Midwife arrived at the hospital at about 5:30 pm when everything began and she was absolutely wonderful and completely supportive of my desire to have as natural and calm a birth as possible. She managed the room, making sure the lights were turned down, always using a calm voice, and interrupting as little as possible.

At around 7:30, I still was not really feeling any regular surges so I decided I was ready to begin to deeply relax and began listening to Rainbow Relaxation and enter hypnosis. I began almost immediately to feel surges and I listened to my body and changed positions as I felt I needed to from my side, to semi-reclined, to getting up to use the restroom. At one point after a position change I had a surge and I remember smiling to myself because I knew it felt right because it felt good. I was completely in control and aware of everything I chose to be aware of. Time seemed to slide by easily and an hour felt like only 10 minutes. My Nurse Midwife came in about 10:30 and asked if I needed anything and to tell her if I would like her to check how I was progressing. I decided I would like to know, I had been checked earlier at her office and was 4 cm. I relaxed as she checked me and I will never forget her words, "You're amazing, your 9 cm". I was so happy and knew that it was working and I was doing great.

Before long I felt like I needed to Breath my Baby down and I squatted against the birthing bar, and then leaned back for support. I do not remember how many surges it took to birth our baby, but the nurse said it only took about half an hour from the time she brought the birthing bar in. The Nurse Midwife immediately handed the baby up to me, and my husband announced “It’s a Girl!” At 11:20 pm my daughter was there, crying and wiggling on my chest. I will never forget that moment, and we were both awake and alert to enjoy it. My sister and best friend were also in the room, with tears streaming down their faces and they were both so amazed and excited about how beautiful my birth was. The nurse also told me it was the best natural childbirth she had ever seen. My Nurse Midwife also thought it was just wonderful, and has since told the new Nurse Midwife in their office how great it was.

After the Birth of my Daughter my life became so fulfilled and she has been such a wonderful baby. She is an energetic and busy little girl, but she is so happy and people comment on it all the time, I am starting to believe what they say “There’s just something about HypnoBirthing® babies”. I knew immediately that I was not ready to leave her for 12 hour hospital shifts. Then, six and a half weeks after my daughter's birth, my very pregnant best friend called me in the morning to tell me she didn't think she could go out with us for the day because she was having some strange sensations. I could tell by the sound of her voice that today was probably the day she would have her baby, and my immediate instinct was to pack up my newborn and drive to her house to help her. This was an "Aha" moment for me. I knew I wanted to help other mommies birth and give them the tools and assistance to have as fulfilling a birth experience as I had. I found out what I needed to do to become a HypnoBirthing® Educator... found a really good airline ticket deal... found the class in Austin... and signed up. I hope to share these tools with any soon-t0-be mommy who would like to use them, and I truly feel that on this path is where I am meant to be.