Saturday, February 23, 2013

Welcome Baby Broderick!

Beauty, power, miracle. I could put just these words to describe this birth. Can you imagine watching a Mom lean against her husband in the dim lighting of their living room, watching them in the incomparable dance of birth, a moment so intimate it steals your breath? Can you imagine the sense of power building through the hours of the day, evening, night and knowing something amazing is just around the corner waiting for her to get there? Can you imagine all of this energy building and then breaking like waves, getting so big she begins to question how much bigger they can get? Can you imagine going from despair to the brink of a miracle in the span of a few footsteps? Can you imagine the tears of relief, joy, and awe that come with the sunrise and a warm healthy baby boy? If you can begin to imagine these things, you can begin to understand the beautiful, powerful miracle that birth truly is.